Yellow datterino tomato

Yellow, not red, is the original color of the tomato.

The yellow tomato has become recognized as a real delicacy on our tables in recent years, despite the fact that few people know its history.

Calemone’s yellow datterino tomato is grown near the sea in the brackish lands of the Torre Guaceto Natural Reserve. Here the particular composition of the ground and the irrigation water taken from the wells on the brackish surface give the tomato a marked sweetness, making it almost devoid of acidity, releasing a series of unique flavors and aromas.

Yellow tomato can be found both in sea water and in the sauce form. Sea water contains all the minerals and trace elements useful for our body. The preservation of the yellow datterino in sea water allows you to jealously guard the original flavor of the tomato and to take on the most complete and natural range of minerals necessary for the balance of our body. Today it has become a “trend food”, the yellow tomato is increasingly used to produce an ideal puree for every occasion. After the rigorously hand-made harvest, the yellow tomato is washed, blanched and passed, obtaining as a result a yellow colored sauce with a sweet and aromatic taste.

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Red datterino tomato

We don’t know a lot about the history of the datterino, in just a few years it has had a strong popularity with consumers since the early 90s.

Red Datterino Tomato is a small fruit (about 15/20 grams in clusters), harvested strictly by hand.

Calemone processes the red tomato in two different ways: the first is aimed at producing a tomato sauce, ideal for prepare first courses that allow it to best release the aromas and flavors of the past; the second instead foresees the preservation of the fruit in sea water. This particular and unique method of conservation, the same as the yellow tomato, provides for the withdrawal of water in different points of the Mediterranean coast carefully selected for the exceptional purity of the water, following the methodology for characterizing the quality of coastal waters established by the Ministry of Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea.

In addition to the extraction point, the moment to extract it is also chosen, in order to choose the optimal conditions to obtain the water with the highest possible purity, verifying for this purpose a series of parameters such as salinity, turbidity, suspended solids , the concentration of phytoplankton, chlorophyll A and dissolved oxygen.


Produttori di passata di pomodoro fiaschetto BIO e di olio extra vergine di oliva. Scopri tutti i prodotti all’interno della sezione Shop del sito web dell’Azienda Agricola Calemone.
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